Resources for Writers
As a teacher of writing, I have an entire bookcase full of books about writing and publishing. I've learned something from every one of those books, but here are a few that stand out as particularly useful:
Fiction Writing by Janet Burroway. This is a college textbook and priced accordingly, but it's by far the most complete and highest-level book on the topic I've ever found.
Self-Editing For Fiction Writers by Browne and King. This guide to editing your own work is a bit simplified but admirably hands-on, with lots of examples and exercises.
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. Subtitle is Some Instructions on Writing and Life, which pretty well sums it up.
On Writing by Stephen King. It's no accident he's the world's best-selling writer.
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Donald Swain. Written back in the days of pulp fiction, when men were men and women were housewives, this book offers some timeless advice on good writing, along with now-hilarious gender stereotypes.
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. This book by a successful literary agent is particularly good on the primacy of conflict in fiction.
Essential websites and blogs for writers